Wah-Wah is a comedy-drama film that tells the story of a young boy growing up in Swaziland during the 1960s and 1970s, dealing with the divorce of his parents, the presence of a brain tumor, and the impact of alcoholism. It is an autobiographical film that explores themes of colonialism, dysfunctional family dynamics, and personal growth.
Nalle Hukkataival and Jimmy Webb recently traveled to Swaziland in search of new boulders and found an unforgettable country with amazing people and fascinating culture. But finding boulder problems isn't as easy as it sounds, you might end up walking through fields and forest for hours and find nothing. Or you might find a gem, something that could possibly be THE next hard line, maybe even the African Star...
It follows problems of Swaziland, a landlocked country in southern Africa. The film features Mswati III, the king of Swaziland, and his heiress and self claimed rapper Princess Sikhanyiso. It shows the angry populace and the country's problems such as a high HIV prevalence, comparing it with the daily life of Mswati III, Africa's last absolute monarch.
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