Donald Duck and his mischievous dog Pluto find themselves in various comedic situations, including vandalizing and causing animal cruelty. They also encounter a water pipe leak, work as plumbers, and deal with magnets and ladders. The cartoon showcases the anthropomorphism of the characters, with Donald Duck being half-dressed and Pluto being a barefoot cartoon animal. The story is set in the 1930s and features other cartoon characters like a bird and a duck.
In 'Old Rockin' Chair Tom,' Tom and Jerry's rivalry intensifies when Jerry takes advantage of Tom's old age. Tom seeks revenge but ends up getting flattened. With the help of a young rival, Jerry puts Tom through various comedic mishaps including swallowing a magnet and tripping on a banana peel.
In this animated short film, Tom tries to frame Jerry for stealing food from the fridge. He sets up a dog bone to make it look like Jerry took it, but Jerry manages to outsmart him and expose the truth.
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