Seven Beauties is a dark comedy-drama that follows the story of Pasqualino, a small-time crook and army deserter who ends up in a Nazi concentration camp. In order to survive, Pasqualino must use all his wit and charm to manipulate his way through various harrowing situations. The movie explores themes of survival, desperation, and the struggle for personal dignity in the face of extreme adversity.
In the midst of World War I, a French soldier's life is forever changed when he suffers a disfiguring facial wound. As he recovers in a hospital, he struggles with his new appearance and grapples with the challenges of adjusting to life as a disfigured soldier. Through introspection and encounters with others who have faced their own hardships, he begins to find hope and acceptance in the midst of despair.
In Pulp, a British expatriate author becomes entangled in a series of events involving funeral clairvoyance, an eccentric man, and a gender-bender gunsel. As the plot unfolds, deception, survival desperation, and parody comedy take center stage, adding to the hostilities and misery experienced by the characters. The story follows the author's journey of exile and clairvoyant encounters with a princess, all while navigating a typing pool filled with dictation, stenographers, and cross-dressers. Along the way, there are steamboat escapades, an ex-husband-ex-wife relationship, and a sniper scandal. The ruins of a party and a prayer prank lead to a dramatic police lineup revelation involving an evil man and an innocent one-armed man.
When Strangers Marry is a film noir crime drama about a newlywed woman named Millie Baxter who travels to New York City to marry a man she met through a lonely hearts club. However, after arriving in the big city, Millie becomes suspicious of her new husband, Peter, and begins to suspect that he may be a serial killer. As she investigates further, she finds herself in jeopardy and must rely on a police detective to help her uncover the truth and survive.
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