In Monster Hunt, a female warrior embarks on an adventure to protect a baby monster from various threats. As the story unfolds, she encounters supernatural pregnancies, male pregnancies, and a grandmother who joins her in the quest. The film combines live-action and animation, and features a mix of fantasy, martial arts action, and comedy.
A French woman living in Berlin navigates a complicated legal and ethical landscape to secure an experimental treatment for her daughter, who is suffering from a rare and life-threatening illness. As she delves deeper into the world of organ donation and human cloning, she must confront her own biases and fight against societal norms to give her daughter a second chance at life.
A woman acting as a surrogate for her estranged sister is put in peril when it turns out that someone doesn't want the baby to be born. With a mysterious man tracking her every move, she must figure out who is trying to kill her... before it's too late.
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