March Comes in Like a Lion follows the story of Rei Kiriyama, a young professional shogi player who battles with feelings of depression. As he navigates his career in the competitive world of shogi, he also finds solace in the Kawamoto sisters who become like a surrogate family to him. The series explores themes of family, competition, and self-discovery.
One Tree Hill is a TV show that follows the lives of two half-brothers, Lucas and Nathan, who compete on the basketball team and navigate through various personal and professional challenges. The show explores themes of family relationships, love, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams.
In Monster Hunt, a female warrior embarks on an adventure to protect a baby monster from various threats. As the story unfolds, she encounters supernatural pregnancies, male pregnancies, and a grandmother who joins her in the quest. The film combines live-action and animation, and features a mix of fantasy, martial arts action, and comedy.
In Monster Hunt 2, a monster hunter and his team set out on a mission to protect a baby monster from falling into the wrong hands. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and must work together to ensure the safety of the monster.
Skin is a powerful drama based on the true story of Bryon Widner, a former white supremacist who turns his back on hatred and violence to start a new life.
Manou, a young swift bird, is adopted by a seagull family. He struggles to fit in with his new family and goes on a journey to discover his true identity. Along the way, he learns to fly, swim, and navigate through various challenges. Manou faces a storm, encounters a rat race, explores a forbidden place, and hatches an egg. With the help of his surrogate seagull parents, he overcomes obstacles and finds his place in the world.
How do you cope when you suddenly become surrogate parents to 21 orphaned chimps? Jim and Jenny Desmond have chimps overrunning their home and even their bed.
Doug and Robbie are about to set sail on a long trip when they unexpectedly find themselves foster parenting a group of troubled teenage boys. The experience changes their lives for the better, and they decide to stay in town and run the foster home for boys permanently.
Tish Gray had a baby and gave it up for adoption. She is contacted by a second childless couple who want her to have the husband's baby because of the wife's inability to have children. She accepts but finds that knowing the parents, and developing a relationship with them for the entire pregnancy complicates the simple arrangement.
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