Elfen Lied is a gripping and disturbing anime series that explores themes of cruelty, brutality, and supernatural murder. The story follows Lucy, a mutant with telekinetic abilities, as she escapes from a secret research facility and seeks revenge against those who have tortured her. Along the way, Lucy's path intersects with that of Kohta, a young college student who becomes embroiled in a world of violence and danger.
Darker than Black is an anime series set in a world where mysterious gates have appeared, changing the sky and unleashing supernatural powers in some humans. These individuals, known as Contractors, use their newfound abilities for covert operations, while others hunt them down. The series follows Hei, a masked Contractor who works as an assassin while searching for his sister. As he delves deeper into the dangerous underworld of Contractors and secret organizations, he uncovers dark secrets and confronts his own troubled past.
When a young American dancer joins a renowned ballet academy in Berlin, she discovers a coven of witches running the school. As she uncovers the dark secrets of the academy, supernatural events unfold, leading to a disturbing climax.
As Father Severino Mallari, a 19th century priest during the Spanish occupation, descends into madness, his life and work as a parish priest in Pampanga is recounted, where he reportedly murdered 57 people to aid his ailing mother.
In 'Scarecrow' (2013), a high school teacher finds himself in a terrifying battle against an evil scarecrow that is on a supernatural murder spree. With the help of his students, he must unravel the mystery behind the killer scarecrow and protect the school from its deadly wrath. As the body count rises, the teacher must make a self-sacrifice to save the lives of his students and put an end to the supernatural terror.
Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh is a horror movie that follows the legend of the Candyman, a supernatural serial killer with a hooked hand. When a woman investigates the myth, she finds herself in mortal danger as the Candyman's curse takes hold.
After a group of teenagers accidentally kills a clown during a prank gone wrong, the clown comes back from the dead and goes on a bloody murder spree to seek revenge.
The Gingerdead Man is a horror comedy about an evil supernatural serial killer who takes the form of a gingerbread man and goes on a killing spree at a bakery. After being baked in an oven, the gingerbread man comes to life and starts terrorizing the staff and customers. As the body count rises, a group of survivors must find a way to stop the gingerbread man before it's too late.
In Ænigma, a new student at a boarding school is possessed by a vengeful girl who was murdered by her classmates. The possessed student begins to enact revenge on those responsible, resulting in a series of gruesome supernatural murders. As the body count rises, the mystery deepens and the true identity of the vengeful spirit is revealed. The film combines elements of horror, mystery, and romance to create a thrilling and suspenseful story.
In Gingerdead Man 2: Passion of the Crust, a killer gingerbread man terrorizes a production studio, causing chaos and mayhem. With its dark comedy and horror elements, this movie is sure to leave you entertained and craving more gingerbread.
A group of friends decides to hold a Halloween party at an abandoned cemetery. Unbeknownst to them, a notorious serial killer has been buried there, and the night awakens his demonic powers. As the friends become trapped in the cemetery, they must fight to survive against the homicidal maniac and his army of undead.
Clownado is a supernatural horror movie about a group of slasher killers who terrorize a small town. The movie follows the story of a runaway teen who teams up with an Elvis impersonator to try and stop the evil clowns. As the murder spree continues, they discover that the clowns have supernatural powers and are controlled by demonic forces. With lots of blood, gore, and supernatural horror, Clownado is a must-watch for fans of z-movies.
Death Bed: The Bed That Eats is a horror comedy film about a demonic bed that possesses supernatural powers and consumes anyone who lies on it. The bed is located in a secluded mansion in the woods, and it awakens every few decades to feed on unsuspecting victims. The film explores themes of sadism, possession, and the supernatural murder that occurs within the cursed bed.
A female time traveler must stop a supernatural serial murderer in the form of a killer gingerbread man who is wreaking havoc at a 1970s disco. With the help of a time machine, she teams up with a male time traveler to save the day.
When the possessed Evil Bong and the homicidal Gingerdead Man join forces, chaos ensues as they embark on a killing spree. This supernatural horror-comedy is filled with stoner humor, blood, and holiday horror.
In a small town, a sheriff investigates a series of supernatural murders that are connected to a satanic ritual and a dark secret in the town's past. As the body count rises, the sheriff must uncover the truth and stop the curse that has been unleashed.
In the movie 'Yoga', a filmmaker accidentally captures a dark secret while making a documentary about yoga. As the crew members start dying one by one, they discover that breaking the rules of yoga can have deadly consequences. They must race against time to uncover the truth and stop the supernatural forces before it's too late.
In Death Valley, a group of college students find themselves facing supernatural murder and gore in a town haunted by an undead killer. As a band of zombie soldiers led by the supernatural cowboy, Bloody Bill, wreak havoc on the unsuspecting townsfolk, the college students must fight for their lives. With slow-motion action and plenty of blood, this horror thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat.
In the year 1953, a young seminarian named Clarita suffers from a dark past and demonic possession. As a series of unexplained murders occurs in her small town, Clarita becomes the prime suspect. With the help of a catholic priest, she struggles to uncover the truth behind the supernatural events and exorcise the evil spirit within her.
An online content moderator deletes a suicide video made by her co-worker. But the otherwise desensitized woman cannot escape from either her own troubled past or from a mysterious vengeful presence.