Superman: The Animated Series follows Clark Kent, a humanoid alien with supernatural powers, as he protects the city of Metropolis from supervillains and other threats. With the help of his friends, including Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen, he battles against the likes of Lex Luthor and other villains. The series showcases the dual identity of Superman, as he navigates life as a mild-mannered reporter and fights crime as the Man of Steel.
Superman faces off against a fanatical group of superheroes known as The Elite, who believe in using lethal force to eliminate villains. As The Elite gains popularity, Superman must prove that his values of truth and justice are worth fighting for.
Darkseid attacks the earth, Batman joins the Justice League to defeat the Darkseid.
This is the complete story of the origin of Superman, his career in comics, cartoons and film. Every question that you may have ever asked is addressed in this documented story of Superman - his impact on our comic book generation- his success in films and television. Rare scenes and interesting insights populate this fascinating exploration of our favorite super hero. Don't miss this thrilling experience.
Derrick and his deputy, Harry Klein, back from holidays, discover that french TV channel 5 is dead. They'll have to build a plan to create a new "new 5 channel". They'll be helped by Starsky & Hutch, Matt Houston, Captain Kirk or french inspector Navarro, while Superman, assisted by Number 6 and Roger Moore, will try to thwart their plan.
Host Charles Dewandeler counts down the GREATEST CARTOONS of the GOLDEN ERA, including Superman, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Popeye, Woody Woodpecker, Felix the Cat and more.
This collection of "Greatest Cartoons of the Golden Era Volume 3" includes classic cartoons starring Bugs Bunny, Superman, Daffy Duck, Popeye The Sailor Man and more as they go on exciting adventures to new Worlds.
A man kidnaps a boy to ransom back to his parents and receives a surprise when he discovers that the boy is much more than he appears to be.
The real hero's of this world are the ones we often forget about. "I Knew Superman" is a message about family and a story about an American student we lost that we should never, ever forget
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