Helter Skelter is a crime drama movie based on a true story. It revolves around a famous fashion model who becomes obsessed with beauty and undergoes extreme plastic surgeries to maintain her youth and beauty. As her mental health deteriorates, she spirals into a world of drugs, sex, and violence, ultimately leading to her downfall.
Paradise Kiss is a movie about a high school girl named Yukari Hayasaka who gets scouted by a group of fashion design students to be their model. Through her experience as a model, she discovers a new world of fashion and romance, and learns more about herself in the process.
In the last 30 years of the 2nd millennium, John Casablancas created the Elite modeling agency and invented the supermodels. If the names as Naomi, Cindy, Linda, Kate or Claudia are today so famous in the pop culture, it is mostly his doing. He lived a life dreamt by many, surrounded by glamour and beauty. John Casablancas tells his own story.
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