Adrienne (2021) is a compelling documentary that explores the shocking death of Adrienne through the lens of investigative journalism. This gripping film unravels the layers of a murder disguised as suicide, revealing the truth and the impact it had on those involved. With a rich biographical backdrop, the documentary uncovers the dark secrets hidden beneath the surface. Directed by a talented female filmmaker, this thought-provoking piece leaves audiences questioning the boundaries of justice and the power of the human spirit.
A chance meeting in a parking lot in 1979 between filmmaker Trent Harris and a young man from Beaver, Utah inspired the creation of an underground film that is now known as Beaver Trilogy. But the film itself is only part of the story.
A journalist stumbles upon a mysterious tickling competition online and starts to investigate. As he delves deeper, he uncovers a hidden empire built on the exploitation of young men. The people behind the empire use tickling as a tool to control and manipulate their participants, leaving the journalist determined to expose the truth.
Filmmakers at the Sundance Film Festival discuss what it is like to be an independent filmmaker, and what Sundance has done for them.
Misfire: The Rise and Fall of the Shooting Gallery is a documentary that explores the journey of the influential film distribution company, the Shooting Gallery. It delves into the highs and lows of the company's success in the 1990s and its eventual downfall. The film provides an insightful look into the independent film industry and the challenges faced by filmmakers and distributors.
A Paul Joyce documentary on the American independent film scene.
Award-winning documentary director, Jason DaSilva was found diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis years ago while filming his film in India. Since then, Jason have been going through series of unfortunate challenges like being trapped in New York City due to his disability caused by MS, got divorced with his beloved wife and trying to stay close with his son who is now in Texas with his ex-wife.
Fifty years before Colin Kapernick, there was Arthur Ashe. This VR experience immerses you in the tennis champion's defining moment in 1968 as he becomes the first black man to win the U.S. Open and uses his newfound celebrity to lift his voice against injustice.
A courageous and fiercely determined boy desires to make race movies after witnessing the brutal lynching of his people after Emancipation.
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