Kakegurui is set in an academy where students engage in intense gambling competitions. The story follows Yumeko Jabami, a prodigy gambler, as she disrupts the school's social hierarchy and challenges its student council president. With high-stakes poker games, psychological battles, and a focus on addiction, Kakegurui explores the thrill and dangerous consequences of gambling.
Rosario + Vampire is a TV show about a high school student, Tsukune Aono, who accidentally enrolls in Yokai Academy, a school for monsters. He meets a vampire girl named Moka Akashiya, who becomes attracted to his blood and protects him from other dangerous monsters. Tsukune soon discovers a world of supernatural creatures and forms a harem with other female monsters.
Feeling alone in a world where everyone looks exactly the same, a young girl decides to take extreme measures to change her appearance.
After a long absence, a recovering alcoholic returns to his small town and must confront his past, mend broken relationships, and find redemption.
An incredibly bright, but socially awkward teenage girl decides to take her virginity into her own hands.
Three gay gangsters mourn the death of their gay guardian, but end up celebrating his bright and colorful life.
A little girl on a red sofa is watching terrifying daily pictures on tv.
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