Loving is a comedy-drama that revolves around the lives of several characters in New York City. The story follows their struggles with love, art, and infidelity, exploring themes of materialism, self-destructiveness, and the rat race of city life. Through a series of interconnected events, the characters navigate through relationships, parties, and the challenges of pursuing their passions. The film offers a satirical look at the middle-class society and the impact of societal pressures on personal lives.
The Baron is an aging, cynical lady's man. He has a key-chain with about 50 keys to different women' apartments in Paris. He selects one at random to see who he will sleep with at night. His adversary is a young Parisian artist (the next Picasso), Victor. Victor believes in love and he's going to marry his girlfriend Claudette as soon as he sells his first painting. The Baron seduces Claudette, seemingly to teach Victor a lesson. However, as might be predicted, he soon falls in love with Claudette himself.
An attractive heiress, Carla (May McAvoy), and David (Ralph Graves), a successful artist, fall in love following an automobile accident. and are married. Their idyll is interrupted by a misunderstanding and she gets a Reno-quickie divorce. Years later a chance meeting brings them together.
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