A suburban family man, Neil, lives a seemingly ordinary life with his wife and teenage son. However, he secretly works as a drone pilot for a military contractor. When Neil starts to question the morality of his job, he becomes entangled in a web of deception and danger. As his personal and professional life collide, Neil must confront the consequences of his actions and protect his family from the consequences of his secret life.
Cutting Moments is a highly controversial and unsettling drama-horror film that delves into the dark aspects of suburban life. It portrays the struggles of failing marriages, domestic violence, incest, and self-mutilation. The film explores the disturbing themes of castration, child molestation, and the consequences of a domineering husband. With extreme visuals and a raw portrayal of human emotions, Cutting Moments pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling.
Two teen girls see their long-time friendship crumble from the pressures of adulthood in their last year of high school.
A darkly humorous black and white tale of a young boy, unable to fit in, finally realizing his calling while watching animals killing each other on nature documentaries. Raw non-sync early effort, interesting as an early and funny example of Buck's forays into continuing themes of painful isolation, suburban disassociation and the inherent violence that can follow.
After losing his son in a traffic accident and his wife to mental illness, Harry moves to a gloomy Stockholm suburb. A local youth gang is harassing the neighborhood and Harry comes up with the idea of hiring the gang to kill the bureaucrats who are responsible for the construction of the suburb. The film is a fierce critique of the political project of building suburbs designed only for workers to sleep in and also wants to have a say in the debate over nature vs nurture.
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