Inferior Decorator is a hilarious short animation film from 1948. The story follows a bumbling decorator who wreaks havoc while attempting to beautify a cottage. As he struggles with glue, wallpaper, and a swarm of bees, chaos ensues. With exposed rear ends, stings, and dizziness, this cartoon is sure to leave you in stitches.
Window Cleaners (1940) is a hilarious animated short film about a bumbling window-washing duo who get into all sorts of trouble when they accidentally release a swarm of bees.
Baseball fan and would be-star Donald Duck enjoys listening to a World Series game on the radio and 'playing' the part of his favorite star Casey in his own yard. Unfortunately a melomanic apis melifera (Latin for honeybee) is as avid to listen on the same radio to a mellifluous symphony and play the director theatrically, waving a match as baton, instead of fertilizing his garden flowers. Donald first just turns the switch, then hides it, but the bee dials inside, so he tries to chase it, but is scared by the sting. The battle for channel choice gets worse, and vindictive.
Merlin the Magic Mouse and his sidekick Second Banana encounter a rascally leprechaun named O'Reilly in Ireland.
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