Strings (2014) is a heartwarming animated movie that tells the story of a group of children in an orphanage who form a deep friendship. They learn to navigate the ups and downs of life together, including dealing with a schoolteacher who is strict but caring, and facing the challenges of living with cerebral palsy. Through their adventures, they discover the power of friendship, love, and determination.
In order to win back his ex-girlfriend, a man pretends to be a single father and takes care of a stranger's baby. As he navigates the challenges of parenting and tries to hide the truth, he discovers unexpected feelings and learns valuable lessons about love and responsibility.
A woman's life takes a turn when she begins a passionate affair with her best friend's boyfriend.
Annie is a middle-age wife, still sexy and pampered by her husband, Phillippe, who is the owner and general manager of a dynamic company. Under the deluge of sexy Swedish movies, sexy advertising on the streets, sexy intimate clothing in ladies' shops, and even talks about sex and marital infidelity with her mother and female friends, Annie starts feeling left aside by her husband, and trying to attract in a number of ways - and failing. It's not the all-purpose secretary at the office that is keeping him late, it's a tax expert that, asking the most innocent questions, is finding out how Philippe can manage a company without profits, and still manage a home, may be two... with high quality levels.
The Optimists of Nine Elms is a heartwarming drama that follows the story of a lonely old man who befriends a young boy in London. They bond over their shared experiences of loneliness and find solace in each other's company. Together, they navigate the busy streets of London, facing the challenges of being outcasts and finding joy in the simple moments they share.
Almost Perfect tells the story of a woman who experiences a series of misfortunes, including getting fired, financial struggles, and a complicated love life. Throughout it all, she tries to maintain her composure and find happiness.
The Way Out tells a story of a young Romani couple, Zaneta and David, the parents of little Janicka. Their efforts to live a decent and dignified life run up against the "Romani social trap," which is racism, the society's prejudices, exclusion from opportunities to obtain legal work, the lack of necessary qualifications, difficult communication with officials, debts and the miserable life conditions connected with the environment, lifestyle and traditional values of their ethnicity. David wants to protect his family, even at the expense of committing a crime. But Zaneta finds inner strength to defy the unfavorable situation in a different way. Will they overcome the existential problems that start to take apart their relationship? Is it worthwhile for them to continue to Honor their own values and family traditions? And will their "way out" be only another "escape" for them, or a promise to change their lives?
Hunting Scenes from Bavaria is a drama set in a German village, focusing on the lives of social outcasts and exploring themes of community. The story follows the lives of various characters, including a crying baby, a priest, a teenage boy, an old woman, and a worker on a pig farm. Rumors begin to spread throughout the village, sparking conflicts and revealing deep-seated tensions. As the story unfolds, the characters confront their fears and confront the consequences of their actions.
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck to no avail. So, he hatches a plot with her father in which the princess is married to him, in disguise as a beggar, so he can teach her lessons about humility and compassion.
Deputy of cartography enterprise Mr. Ciruvka tries to seduce the colleague's assistant to destabilize his confident in a run for the director's chair. But things can go wrong.
22-year old Teun has to move back home. His house-mates have organized a farewell dinner for him. What starts as a social gathering, emotions are running high soon.
Careful, Monkeys! is a short animated movie about a naughty monkey that escapes from the zoo and wanders around the city causing trouble. It imitates people, hides in laundry, imitates a baby in a stroller, and even imitates a little child playing with a ball. The monkey's actions catch the attention of the city residents, leading to a hilarious chase to catch the mischievous monkey before it causes any more chaos.
Short film, in which three boys want to go swimming on a Sunday afternoon, but one of the three has to look after his baby sister. They decide to take her to the park. The three of them come up with fun games to play with the baby, but they are constantly presented with new problems. However, the boys know how to find an answer to everything.
A young man trying to win the attentions of a pretty lady gets lumbered with another woman's baby, beginning a cascade of misunderstandings, close shaves with trams and a humorous policeman…
A nameless man wanders the city, littered with necrotic artifacts and a trail of corpses. Are his grotesque hallucinations clues to a violent past?
A man and a woman adopt a child in pieces. But the choice of pieces is not easy and the long-awaited child will not be as perfect as it should have been. Experimental animated short by Philippe Grammaticopoulos
Trootpout is part of a small band of invisible creatures that play the mood quiet young man named Olaf, but his excited spontaneous sounds often disrupt the melody of the others. Therefore they decide to expel him. Will he ever find a band with room for an odd sound or will he remain alone?
A ouple’s twisted desires lead them to abduct an engaged couple