Kakegurui is set in an academy where students engage in intense gambling competitions. The story follows Yumeko Jabami, a prodigy gambler, as she disrupts the school's social hierarchy and challenges its student council president. With high-stakes poker games, psychological battles, and a focus on addiction, Kakegurui explores the thrill and dangerous consequences of gambling.
Set in Akihabara, the shopping area has been invaded by creatures known as "Synthisters" who prey on the patrons of Akihabara, feasting on their social energy and will to live. These enemies can only be stopped by direct exposure to sunlight, meaning to defeat these synthisters their clothes need to be ripped off exposing them to sunlight.
Magic Mike and his fellow male strippers reunite for one final performance at a stripper convention. Along the way, they encounter various adventures and lessons about friendship, self-discovery, and living life to the fullest.
In this drama, an American man is subjected to humiliation and forced to strip as part of a search and investigation in China. He struggles to maintain his freedom and dignity amidst the circumstances of terrorism and interrogation.
Spirits' Homecoming tells the story of two teenage girls who are kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery during the Japanese occupation of Korea. The film explores the unspeakable horrors they endured and the resilience they found within themselves. It sheds light on the issue of comfort women, a painful chapter in history that is often overlooked. The movie depicts their struggle for survival and their fight for justice, while also highlighting the strength of female friendship and the power of the human spirit.
Explore the world of striptease through the guidance of Jessica Drake, a renowned expert in the field. This documentary delves into the techniques and sensuality of the art form, providing an educational and entertaining experience for couples.
To make some easy money, Stamatis rents Chroni's house to his womanizer boss Soultanoglou but also to his other boss's wife, Dora, who decided to cheat on her husband ... So, Chroni's house turns into a double love nest for cheating couples, without him having any clue.
Bunny and a new Honey as secret agents on three missions
Young and beautiful Heather's dreams of dancing and seduction lead her into one of the hottest strip club where she finds love in Tony. An exploration of a sexy woman's duality, innocent by day, voracious by night.
A ladies camping weekend turns into a terror-filled trip after the women encounter a stranger in the woods.
A cutting-edge journey into the taboo world of male stripping. Dive into the lives of men who work at America’s only all nude, all male, a gay strip club located in the heart of The Bible Belt.
Inspired by the true story of a Geisha murdered in a city famous for its baths, Adachi forged here his favorite style, a kind of conceptual documentary recounting the incident in monotone. The same event that at the beginning of Violated Angels escaped every principle of causality, is portrayed here as a singular anti-spectacle.
After a group of space pirates pulls off an impossible heist at a casino, they encounter a coven of deadly vampires who have plagued their spaceship.
Raising the subtext of "Fight Club" into text, "Shiner" depicts a pair of amateur boxers gratified by punching each others' lights out. Theirs is among a trio of twisted love stories in the narrative feature by 29-year-old Los Angeles director Christian Calson. There's also a woman literally fighting her male lover's affections and another boxer who stalks his own shy male stalker. "Shiner" transcends sadomasochism in that no one seems aware of what he or she is doing. "I'm trying to look at desire head on," the soft-spoken Calson said by telephone. "('Shiner') is about the politics of wanting and being wanted and how people respond differently." Rife with ugly behavior, "Shiner" rejects the trend of queer filmmakers seeking straight understanding. "In L.A., we have this kind of sadness we carry around, that the only way we can make gay stories is by making more like 'Will and Grace,' " Calson said. Like the activist-filmmakers tackling the marriage issue, Calson went into "...
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