Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011) is a movie based on the novel of the same name. It follows the story of Dagny Taggart, a successful businesswoman who struggles to keep her family's railroad company alive amidst a worsening economic recession. As she fights against government regulations and sanctions while facing growing fears of a collapsing society, Dagny finds herself drawn to the mysterious figure of John Galt, a genius inventor and advocate of individual freedoms. The movie explores themes of capitalism, individualism, and the consequences of government control.
Carry On at Your Convenience is a British comedy film set in a factory where a worker organizes a worker's union and faces various humorous situations.
Sunday Too Far Away is a drama set in the Australian Outback in the 1950s. The story revolves around a group of shearers in a rural setting and explores themes of male bonding, struggle, and awakening. The protagonist faces various challenges, including a strike, conflicts with other shearers, and personal struggles. The film captures the harsh reality of life in the Outback and the camaraderie among the shearers.
Preacher, populist, politician - the electrifying rise of the Reverend Ian Paisley.
American Dream (1990) is a documentary that explores the challenges faced by the working class and labor unions. It showcases the frustrations, anger, and struggles of the workers as they fight for their rights and better working conditions. The film delves into themes of inequality, greed, and the impact of corporate decisions on the lives of ordinary people. Through interviews, secret meetings, and television reports, the documentary sheds light on the complexities of the labor movement and the hardships faced by those involved.
An explosion in one of the largest chemical plants in Europe, the Petrochemical complex in Tarragona, triggers the labour struggle of a group of workers who demand what is fair for everyone.
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