Air Master is a seinen manga written and illustrated by Yokusaru Shibata. The story focuses on Maki Aikawa, an ex-gymnast turned street fighter. The manga was serialized in the Hakusensha magazine Young Animal from 1997 to 2006 and has been collected into 28 tankōbon. A 27-episode anime adaptation was produced by Toei Animation and originally aired on Japan's Nippon Television from April 1 to September 23, 2003. The anime was licensed in North America through a partnership between Toei and Geneon Universal Entertainment. However, only a few episodes of the series were released in the region before the cancellation of the deal, which was due to the poor quality and large number of DVD returns to Geneon. Funimation Entertainment later bought the rights to the license and streamed the entire series on the company's official website.
After being released from prison, Isaiah Bone enters the underground fighting scene in Los Angeles to avenge the death of his friend.
Jake Tyler helps his high-school football team win a game but gets into a brawl with an opposing player. He moves to a new school and befriends a classmate who invites him to join an underground fight club. Jake starts training in mixed martial arts with a mentor and eventually participates in a high-stakes tournament. Through his journey, Jake learns the importance of self-control, confronting his past, and finding his place in the world.
El Mariachi, a former musician and gunslinger, returns to a small Mexican town after being away for a long time. He becomes entangled with the local drug kingpin Bucho and his gang. El seeks revenge and takes on the gang in a bloody gunfight, facing betrayal and discovering secrets along the way. With the help of a bookstore owner named Carolina and his friends Campa and Quino, El fights his way to Bucho's ranch and confronts his past. In the end, El kills Bucho and escapes with Carolina, driving off into the sunset.
Gorgeous is a romantic comedy film set in Hong Kong. The story revolves around a wealthy businessman who falls in love with a poor girl from Taiwan. As they navigate their relationship, they encounter various obstacles, including business rivalries, martial arts masters, and hitmen. With elements of dark comedy, the movie explores themes of love, friendship, and redemption.
In 1930s Louisiana during the Great Depression, a drifter finds himself getting involved in the world of bare-knuckle boxing. He must navigate the dangers of a corrupt underground fighting scene and try to make a name for himself in the ring.
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind (2009) follows the story of iconic characters such as Ryu, Ken Masters, Chun-Li, and Guile as they face off against the sinister secret agent Seth and his organization. Packed with thrilling martial arts action and captivating plot twists, this movie brings the intense world of Street Fighter to life.
Cardboard Boxer follows the story of a homeless man who finds himself caught in the world of underground fighting. As he fights to survive and make a better life for himself, he also seeks redemption and a sense of purpose.
An obsessed cop seeks revenge on a serial killer who raped and brutalized his sister. He tracks down the killer and engages in a final showdown, using his martial arts skills to defeat him.
As host of gladiator-style duels in which gangbangers battle to the death, East Los Angeles drug kingpin Chesare (Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs) capitalizes on gang antagonisms. But Chesare hasn't counted on the tactics of vengeance-minded Aurelio (Tony Bravo) and his sidekick Paulo (Kamar De Los Reyes). Vowing to fight without weapons, the determined duo stages a risky coup in the hopes of ending Chesare's reign of terror.
In the mean streets of Los Angeles, a kickboxing champion finds himself drawn into a high-stakes underground tournament. With his brother's life on the line, he must navigate the dangerous world of illegal fistfights and organized crime in order to save him. Along the way, he discovers the true meaning of honor and brotherhood.
Street of No Return is a crime thriller about a man who was left for dead by his former associates and seeks revenge against them. Being unable to speak due to a traumatic event, he navigates the dangerous streets to find and confront those who wronged him.
To make money, a Los Angeles street-fighter goes to work for gangsters.
After the murder of his brother, a skilled fighter enters an underground fighting tournament to seek revenge. As he faces tough opponents and dangerous situations, he must rely on his martial arts skills and determination to survive.
Tony, the new kid at school, befriends gang leader Young, whose top rival is Chan. When Young defeats Chan in battle, two mysterious men offer Tony and Young jobs at a security agency, with one of their new clients being among the city's most notorious drug dealers.
John, Abel and a few new fighters compete in "The Supreme fighting Arena". a competition where fighters face one another in a contest to the death. Jupiter, Neesa, Kyo, Conner as well as many new enemies appear and the final battle for control over the city begins. Written by Shadow Multimedia
Bagus Pribadi comes from Surabaya to conquer Jakarta with his strength. He meets Ratih, a widow who remains in the shadow of her ex-husband, Sujono. Sujono, cannot accept the fact that his ex-wife has fallen in love with another man. Hence Bagus must deal with one fight after another. Ratih’s brother, Sunarto, who owes Sujono a favour, also participates in blocking Bagus’ action. In the end, Bagus is forced to confront Sujono, and he succeeds.
18 Fingers of Death! is a mockumentary that follows Buford Lee, a former karate fighter who becomes a movie star. He must use his martial arts skills to save the film industry from a gang of street fighters.
After his sister is murdered by an underground gangster, a skilled martial arts fighter seeks revenge by participating in an illegal fistfight tournament.
Explore the world of 1893 through a cinematic visit to Chicago's Columbian Exposition. Many of the world's greatest achievements in art, architecture, science, technology and culture are unveiled there. The grounds were designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, famous for his design of New York City's Central Park, and constructed under the supervision of Daniel Burnham. The Fair was an engineering marvel. On opening day, President Grover Cleveland depressed a golden telegraph key which sent the first courses of electricity throughout the Fair powering fountains, machines, electric railways and thousands of lights. It was the first use of electricity on such a massive scale. Nearly 28 million visit the "White City," which inspires future innovators like Henry Ford, Walt Disney and Frank Lloyd Wright, and debuts the Ferris Wheel and Cracker Jack.