Air Master is a seinen manga written and illustrated by Yokusaru Shibata. The story focuses on Maki Aikawa, an ex-gymnast turned street fighter. The manga was serialized in the Hakusensha magazine Young Animal from 1997 to 2006 and has been collected into 28 tankōbon. A 27-episode anime adaptation was produced by Toei Animation and originally aired on Japan's Nippon Television from April 1 to September 23, 2003. The anime was licensed in North America through a partnership between Toei and Geneon Universal Entertainment. However, only a few episodes of the series were released in the region before the cancellation of the deal, which was due to the poor quality and large number of DVD returns to Geneon. Funimation Entertainment later bought the rights to the license and streamed the entire series on the company's official website.
Ordered to take down a villainous business leader who controls the city, a prosecutor gathers a team of men who may not be so clean themselves.
High school student, Kamishiro Yu doesn't fit in and is constantly bullied; fed up with the abuse Yu secretly trains in boxing and takes revenge on those who once bullied him. Eventually Yu's defeats call the attention of the local thugs, and Yu soon finds himself forced to keep fighting in order to keep his place, his holyland.
Vagabond is a Korean drama TV show that follows a stuntman who becomes embroiled in a government conspiracy after an airplane crash. He uncovers corruption and deception within the national intelligence service and seeks revenge while navigating power struggles and street fights.
Mob Psycho 100 follows the story of Kageyama Shigeo, also known as Mob, a teenage boy who has incredibly powerful psychic abilities. Despite his immense powers, Mob just wants to live a normal life and navigate the challenges of high school. Along the way, he becomes involved in various supernatural incidents and uses his powers to help others. With the guidance of his mentor, Reigen, Mob learns to control his emotions and use his abilities for good.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park follows Makoto, a young delinquent who becomes entangled in the complex and violent world of gang warfare in Ikebukuro. As he strives to protect his friends and navigate the treacherous streets of the city, Makoto must face the brutal murders, corruption, and rival gangs that threaten his life and the lives of those he holds dear.
In World War II London, nine-year-old George is evacuated to the countryside by his mother, Rita, to escape the bombings. Defiant and determined to return to his family, George embarks on an epic, perilous journey back home as Rita searches for him.
A juvenile delinquent code-named Saki Asamiya is taken in by the government and forced to fight crime to redeem her actions. She is sent to various high schools to infiltrate and neutralize gangs and other forms of crime as a police officer using her metal yo-yo badge as a weapon.
Gifted with special powers, fighting skills and slick hair, the rowdy KO One navigates tough friendships and high school romance.
Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive into the yakuza-controlled underworld of 1995 Kamurocho. Meanwhile, in 2005, their friendship is deteriorated, as tensions between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are at a boiling point.
On Purge Night, three groups of people find themselves stranded in the streets, trying to survive the chaos and violence that ensues. As they navigate the dangers of the night, they must come together and fight for their lives.
The government recruits a group of incarcerated super-villains to form a task force and prevent the impending apocalypse. Led by Amanda Waller, the team must work together to complete their first mission and save the world.
In Lionheart, a skilled street fighter is forced to join the French Foreign Legion after his brother is hospitalized by a dangerous drug dealer. Determined to raise money for his brother's medical bills, he enters a secret underground fighting tournament. As he rises through the ranks, he faces off against formidable opponents and must confront his own inner demons. Lionheart is a thrilling action movie that explores themes of family, honor, and personal redemption.
In the big city of Yanagihara, the masses of people and buildings make it a bustling place to exist, and yet, people will meet and fall in love here in this city.
Reluctantly retired from fighting, Rocky takes charge of Mickey's gym and agrees to train a young protégé who's hungry for success.
The drama about men who engage in fights and the deep bond that develops between them.
When a villain captures one of their own, the Teen Titans travel to Tokyo to rescue their teammate and defeat the villain. Along the way, they face various challenges and encounter new allies and enemies.
In the Silver Dimension, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei plan to enroll in an elite academy as sworn brothers, but KO One visitors derail the plan.
A tough young man with a short temper and no patience for bullies gains a legendary reputation as the best street fighter in Busan.
A country music singer named Philo Beddoe, who also happens to have a pet orangutan named Clyde, becomes involved in a comedic series of adventures as he travels around the country trying to win the heart of a woman named Lynn Halsey-Taylor, all while being pursued by rival biker gangs and a vengeful group of neo-Nazis.