Close Enough is a surreal animated sitcom that follows the lives of a young couple, Josh and Emily, and their daughter Candice. They navigate the challenges of parenthood, marriage, and the ups and downs of adult life, all while living in a world filled with surrealism and strange happenings. With its quirky humor and relatable situations, Close Enough provides a unique and comedic look at the struggles of balancing work, relationships, and raising a child.
Four women with ulterior and hidden secrets because of a businessman's unexplainable assassination. Their lives will be shattered and trapped in a maze of lies, conflicts, betrayals, mysteries, ambition, murder, wealth and power.
A pair of happy-go-lucky siblings, left alone while their parents recover from an illness, play a series of pranks on each other. The game becomes nightmarish when they realize something sinister is watching them - and it wants to play too.
A reporter from the TV station went to Zhangtou Village, a remote mountain village known for monkey opera, arranged by colleagues Fang Hong and Xiaobin on the TV station to interview. However, after entering the village, many strange things happened to them one after another. Out of the professional instinct of discovering and revealing secrets, the three reporters went deep into the mountain forest to find out, but "Xiaoguang" suddenly went crazy and even disappeared, covering the mountain village with strange things with an unknown fear.
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