In 'Livid,' a young ballet student named Lucie takes a job as a caregiver for an elderly woman in a seemingly abandoned mansion. As she explores the house, Lucie uncovers a dark secret involving an undead ballerina trapped in the mansion. Greed, supernatural happenings, and a series of strange events unfold, leading Lucie deeper into the horrors of the house.
A lonely wife takes in a young female boarder named Sarah. Her husband returns, and he can't keep himself away from the alluring Sarah, and the exotic mysteries hidden in her room. Made in Scotland in just five days for six grand, "Sarah's Room" is an intriguing and artistic tale told in haunting tones, smoky interiors and often voyeuristic camera techniques. Outstanding low budget film
Young adults' hopes of becoming independent are questioned when strange things begin happening in their neighborhood. As the occurrences become more frequent and aggressive they find themselves at the mercy of a murderous stalker.
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