Dog City is a television series that was produced by Nelvana Limited and Jim Henson Productions and aired on FOX from September 26, 1992 to January 28, 1995, and in Canada on Global in 1993, then on Teletoon until 2000. The show contained both animation by Nelvana, and puppetry by Jim Henson Productions. This was the first Jim Henson animated series since Muppet Babies and the animated Fraggle Rock.
A high school teacher named Germain becomes fascinated by the writing of one of his students, Claude. He secretly begins reading Claude's personal journal and becomes increasingly involved in his life, even going so far as to manipulate events to provide material for Claude's stories. As the line between reality and fiction blurs, Germain's obsession with Claude's work leads to unexpected consequences for both of them.
A surreal erotic fantasy about a young woman who checks into a bizarre, labyrinthine hotel.
A man named Guy joins a local theater troupe and quickly becomes embroiled in the scandalous and complex personal lives of its members. As he navigates through a web of infidelity, deceit, and ambition, Guy finds himself questioning his own morals and choices. With a backdrop of small-town politics and the cutthroat world of show business, A Chorus of Disapproval explores themes of loneliness, immorality, and the power of theater to both uplift and destroy.
Kulderzipken is a Flemish television series that premiered in 1995. Two seasons of ten episodes each have been made since then.
Travellers and Magicians is a road movie set in Bhutan, where a young government official embarks on a journey to a remote village. Along the way, he meets a monk who tells him a captivating story, blurring the line between reality and illusion.
Brochevarevaru Ra is a comedy crime thriller that revolves around a group of friends who find themselves in the middle of a kidnapping and sexual harassment case. With their unique quirks and skills, they must navigate through this unexpected situation and try to bring justice.
A filmmaker is invited to an actor's house, who is keenly interested in his story. For the story to be told, the characters need to speak for themselves so they began speaking and they said
I am Diego Maradona is a comedic crime drama that tells the story of a writer who uses storytelling techniques to create an illusion within the story. The plot revolves around the protagonist's journey to create a captivating narrative that combines comedy, crime, and drama.
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