Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is a heartwarming and whimsical animated movie that follows the life of Marcel, a small shell with big dreams. Through a mockumentary-style format, Marcel takes us on a journey filled with laughter, adventure, and unexpected twists. This surreal comedy is based on a beloved children's story and features stunning stop-motion animation. Join Marcel as he navigates the world with his unique perspective and discovers the power of friendship and self-acceptance.
The Treacle People was a children's television programme shown on CITV in the United Kingdom, from 3 May 1996 to 25 July 1997. It only had two series, each with 13 episodes. In a similar vein to other shows by the same writer, the humour worked on two levels for younger and older viewers. It was produced by The London Studios for London Weekend Television and Fire Mountain Productions in association with Link Entertainment. In 2023, the series was remastered, with full episodes posted on the show's official YouTube Channel.
Inspector Palmu is called to investigate a murder in Helsinki, Finland. With multiple suspects and a complex case, Palmu must navigate the city's urban setting to find the truth. As he interviews witnesses, including a mailman, a preacher, and a racing driver, Palmu uncovers a web of lies, leading him closer to the murderer. With twists and turns, the movie explores themes of guilt, inheritance, and the complexities of human relationships.
A child is lured out of his home, kidnapped and held captive in the small cell in the basement of a church-bunker by three pedophile priests. One night a mysterious visitor opens the cell door and leaves him a sack full of Christmas presents.... The Film was published as a segment of "Deathcember" but was banned from the VOD Releases by the US Publisher in UK and the USA.
Poetic essay about the beginning of life from labor pains and birth and about its symbolic meaning.
Remembrance of Things to Come (2001) is a documentary film that delves into the life and work of a celebrated photographer. The film provides a captivating insight into the artist's journey, capturing the essence of their unique perspective through a stunning collection of photographs. It explores the photographer's experiences in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, showcasing their mastery of the craft and their ability to immortalize the fleeting moments of life. With a distinct cult-director style, this documentary is a must-watch for photography enthusiasts and fans of artistic expression.
Carrots are good for your eyes. Maybe too good.
After a woman is responsible for a hit and run, spooky things starts to happen to her. A small thriller about people that are not always the best at making decisions.
Plasticine figures come to life and wreak terror on a not-so-friendly ghost.
A man with social anxiety gets followed by a naive and clumsy creature. Terrified the man tries to escape, unaware that the creature is actually a helper with slightly unconventional methods.
Set in the 26th century during a bitter endless winter on Earth, Flotsam & Jetsam follows the journey of a robot, abandoned by the civilisation of people it once served, as it adventures through the frozen wastes and eventually an abandoned city in search of sanctuary and to find out if it is truly the last of its kind. (The film can now be viewed online via the director's YouTube page here )
An amazing origami action overload of paper cut-outs and corrugated cardboard shapes marching, climbing, dancing and jumping on a mission to create a pinball machine.
In this spot created by Kirsten Lepore for Yo Gabba Gabba's Christmas special, the adorable shapes give presents to each other.
Joaquim Jorda's and Gianni Toti's short film
The forest's inhabitants take in a melancholy bird, and everything comes to life in a delicate miniature opera.
A key starts up the engine of a complex mechanical structure where chain reactions, be they planned or random, are combined to cooperate. The movement represents pure energy, which may evolve towards synchronicity, chaos, or something in between.
We are bound to the choices we make. What goes around comes around. A take on the legacy of ocean pollution.
Melancholy 90-second film which examines the effects of air pollution and implores us to consider the fact that around the globe, 5.5 million people die each year as a result of breathing heavily polluted air.
Hi-Five the Cactus is a charming stop-frame animation movie that follows the adventures of a singing cactus. With catchy tunes and beautiful animation, this film brings the desert to life and tells a heartwarming story of friendship and perseverance.
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