Faster, Faster is a gripping crime drama set in Spain, following a group of young gang members involved in bank robberies, drug dealing, and murder. The story revolves around their dangerous and chaotic lives, as they navigate through nightclubs, discotheques, and illegal activities. The film explores themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of their actions.
Crime + Punishment is a powerful documentary that exposes the corruption, racial profiling, and quota system within the NY Police Department. It follows a group of brave Latino police officers who expose the truth and fight for justice against all odds. This film highlights the struggles they face and the impact it has on their lives and communities.
A police shrink tries to identify and capture an elusive mugger that scars his female victims before stealing their purse.
In the wake of the shooting of five Dallas police officers, BBC Three investigates why tension is rising between America’s police forces and ethnic minorities. Shot on the streets of New York, the film follows ‘Cop Watchers’ – men and women who track the NYPD in a cat-and-mouse game to try and film arrests and possible cases of brutality. NYPD officers also speak out, alleging systemic racism and a policy of targeting ethnic minority communities in order hit their arrest quotas.
A young man's livelihood is put to the test when he gets profiled and stopped by the police on his way home from practice.
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