In Awake (2021), a mysterious event wipes out all electronics and plunges humanity into a sleepless state. A former drug addict and her young daughter may hold the key to finding a solution and preventing an apocalyptic end. As chaos ensues, they encounter a conspiracy theorist, a drug dealer, and a desperate race against time to survive.
The life of Ipse, a 19-year-old girl who cannot get out of her own bed due to psychological trauma, is as motionless as a plant. Having no family and no clue of her family's mysterious history, she lives completely dependent on her neighbors, but starts to feel suffocated under the abuse and the looks she gets as if she was something to be eaten up. One day, in the midst of her hellish everyday life, a stranger comes to her house.
Tales from the Far Side II is an anthology of dark and ironic animated stories. It features various bizarre and macabre scenarios such as killer aliens, talking dogs, time travel, and ironic deaths. The stories are filled with absurdist and gallows humor, providing a unique and twisted perspective on life and death.
Thor: End of Days revolves around Thor's ongoing conflict with Loki, and Loki's insatiable thirst for power. When Loki escapes Asgard intent on conquering mankind, only Thor, the God Of Thunder, has the strength to stop him and prevent the End of Days.
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