Diabolique (1955) is a psychological thriller set in a boarding school, where the abusive headmaster's wife and his mistress conspire to murder him. However, their plan goes awry when the body mysteriously disappears, leading to a series of unexpected twists and turns.
In World War II England, a soldier disguises himself as a woman to avoid the military police. He seeks refuge in a farm, where he develops a relationship with a farm woman. However, their idyllic lives are threatened when the soldier's deception is discovered.
Hell Bound is a film-noir thriller set in Los Angeles, California. The story revolves around a heist that goes terribly wrong, leading to a series of unexpected events. The main characters find themselves entangled in a web of deceit, betrayal, and dangerous situations. As tensions rise, they must navigate through a world of drug addiction, blindness, and police chases to survive.
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