Su Yu, a high school student who lives a simple life with his father, faces a major change when his mother remarries a wealthy man, introducing him to his step-brother Wu Bi. Despite their initial differences-Wu Bi being a cold and arrogant top student, while Su Yu is an unreasonable underachiever-their relationship takes an unexpected turn after an accident. As they gradually warm up to each other, their bond grows stronger. However, when a heated fight arises, their true identities are revealed...
Addicted Heroin is a TV mini-series that follows the story of two teenage boys who develop an obsession and romance with each other. Set in a high school, the show explores themes of friendship, love, and self-discovery. It is based on a novel and touches on LGBTQ+ topics, specifically gay romance and boys love.
María Carlota Rivas (Gaby Espino) and María Corina Palmieri (Daniela Alvarado) are first cousins. They are young, beautiful, fierce and free, and they create opposite poles, but they share a common cause: both are deeply disappointed in men. They are the granddaughters of Don Pastor Palmieri (Guillermo Ferrán), owner of land, fattening cattle, and lover of the good life. María Carlota has chosen to take over her grandfather's farm; because she loves the country and the wild life. On the other hand, María Corina is a cosmopolitan lover of capital nights, who cannot live far from the vibrancy of the city.
Cha Soo-Hyuk is focused only on his survival, without any grand goals. He reunites with Lee Yoon-dae, who he was very close with. Yoon-Dae was living with his girlfriend but now has nowhere to go. They end up living together.
Haunted by his mother's recent death, a young man becomes suspicious of his wealthy father's sexy, new bride. When his father dies mysteriously, the boy decides to investigate.
Mike, a young hired hand in California is working a small farm with a close friend, Dan. Mike is content on the farm and obviously attracted to the handsome Dan. Dan seems to be attracted to Mike as well but is a drifter and not happy as a farmer. He longs to finish out the contract and move on to a big city, perhaps with Mike. Gary, a boy from the next farm over, befriends them during their daily chores. When an innocent session of skinny-dipping is misconstrued, the young hired hands soon find themselves unjustly suspected of wrongdoing in a suddenly hostile small town.
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