Petticoat Junction is a classic sitcom comedy that takes place in the fictional town of Hooterville. The show revolves around a close-knit family, the Bradleys, who run the Shady Rest Hotel near the railway junction. The three sisters - Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Betty Jo - along with their Uncle Joe, manage the hotel and get involved in various funny situations. The show highlights the challenges of running a small business in a rural setting, along with the typical dynamics of a family living in a small town.
Ivor the Engine is a British children's animation by Oliver Postgate and Peter Firmin's Smallfilms company. It is a children's television series relating the adventures of a small green locomotive who lived in the "top left-hand corner of Wales" and worked for The Merioneth and Llantisilly Railway Traction Company Limited. His friends included Jones the Steam, Evans the Song and Dai Station, among many other characters.
The Fabulous World of Jules Verne takes viewers on a captivating journey through a dreamlike world where steam-powered inventions, underwater tunnels, and volcanic islands coexist. When a group of scientists discover a hidden island base, they must join forces with intrepid reporter Michelle to save the world from an evil dictator's plot to conquer it. This black-and-white masterpiece showcases the wonders of 19th-century science and literature, blending fantasy and steampunk elements with a touch of European charm.
In the harsh Siberian winter of 1945, a group of prisoners in a Soviet labor camp must endure hard labor, brutal conditions, and a fierce rivalry. When a German woman is brought to the camp, tensions rise as the Russian and German women clash. Amidst the struggle for survival, a daring escape plan is hatched, leading to a thrilling train race through the snow-covered landscape.
Ned Kelly (2003) is a riveting crime drama that follows the true story of Ned Kelly, a notorious Australian outlaw who led a resistance against the law enforcement in the late 19th century. The movie explores Kelly's life of lawlessness, his struggles with the police, and his ultimate capture and arrest.
In the small village of Titfield, a group of eccentric villagers band together to save their beloved local railway when it is threatened with closure. With wit and determination, they take on the bureaucracy and overcome various obstacles to ensure the train keeps running. Based on a true story, this heartwarming comedy celebrates the spirit of community and the power of ordinary people to make a difference.
In the midst of the Congo crisis, a group of mercenaries is sent on a mission to rescue hostages held by rebel forces. As they face various challenges and confront their own demons, they must navigate through a landscape of betrayal, greed, and violence.
Santa Fe Trail is a drama set during the American Civil War and follows the story of a group of West Point graduates assigned to Kansas to help quell the rising tensions and violence caused by the slavery abolitionist movement. As they navigate treacherous territory and encounter various challenges, they learn the true meaning of loyalty and sacrifice.
Buster is a comedy crime drama based on the true story of Buster Edwards, one of the criminals involved in the Great Train Robbery of 1963 in London. After the robbery, Buster and his wife go on the run, trying to evade capture while dealing with the challenges and complications of life as fugitives. The movie explores their relationship, the consequences of their actions, and their ultimate fate.
Forgotten Silver is a comedic satire that explores the relationship between documentary and fiction. It follows the story of Colin McKenzie, a fictional character who is portrayed as a forgotten film pioneer. The film delves into the world of filmmaking and showcases the creation of fictional films by McKenzie, including his supposed involvement in World War One and the Spanish Civil War. Through interviews and faked footage, Forgotten Silver creates a humorous mockumentary that examines the blurred lines between reality and fiction in the film industry.
During the height of the British Empire in India, a group of passengers on a train must navigate through dangerous territories, rebel attacks, and treacherous obstacles to protect a young prince and ensure his safe passage.
Count Dracula is a 1977 movie that follows the story of the infamous vampire, Count Dracula. It is a classic horror film that takes place in Europe and showcases the noble and mysterious nature of the iconic character. The movie explores themes of darkness, evil, and the battle between good and evil.
In this drama-fantasy-romance film, a physicist invents a time-travel machine and uses it to alter the past in order to save his lover. As he explores different timelines, he encounters various obstacles and must overcome them to alter the course of history. Along the way, he discovers the consequences of his actions and the true power of love.
In this early silent film, a couple shares a romantic kiss in a train tunnel, showcasing affection and tenderness.
In the year 1887, a group of characters get entangled in a web of greed and avarice. A curse, hidden treasures, and opium dens add twists and turns to their journey. Loyalties are tested, and secrets are revealed as they navigate through the British Raj.
When a down-on-his-luck banker inherits a hotel in the Rocky Mountains, he and his family must navigate their new responsibilities while also participating in a thrilling snowmobile race. Along the way, they encounter challenges, unexpected friendships, and a lovable Saint Bernard dog. Based on the book, the movie showcases the beauty of the snowy landscape and the importance of family.
Gervaise is a working-class woman who struggles to make a living for herself and her family. She gets caught in a love triangle and faces adultery, poverty, and the challenges of being a single mother in 19th century Paris.
History of the World in Two Hours is a documentary that takes viewers on an incredible journey, exploring the key events, inventions, and civilizations that have shaped human history. From the creation of our planet to the rise of modern society, this film condenses thousands of years of history into a captivating and educational experience. Through stunning visuals and informative narration, it reveals the fascinating stories behind the wheel, the donkey, the invention of writing, the rise of civilizations in the Fertile Crescent, the exploration of new lands, the spread of religions, the impact of diseases, the growth of empires, and much more. This documentary is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the origins and development of our world.
When a terrorist group threatens to release a deadly virus, a Delta Force commando unit must race against time to stop them. With explosive action, thrilling chases, and high-stakes suspense, this movie keeps you on the edge of your seat.
In bustling era of 19th-century Louisiana, sugar is as valuable as gold, and pirates like Lili Scarlet (Patricia Medina, Mr. Arkadin) will do anything to get it. After robbing Jules Tulane’s (John Dehner, The Boys from Brazil) estate of his crop, Scarlet takes over Tulane’s land debt and forces him to pay or go to prison. In exchange for postponing his debt, Scarlet allows Tulane’s son, André (Lex Barker, Robin Hood and the Pirates), to work as her servant. When André and Scarlet fall in love, it leads to jealous rage from Scarlet’s former paramour, expert swordsman Hugo (Warren Stevens, Forbidden Planet) — and when Hugo looks to raid the Tulane estate again, it is up to André and Scarlet to take him down and save the estate.