Syrup is a satirical comedy that follows the rise and fall of Scat, a talented marketing executive. Scat comes up with a groundbreaking idea for a new soda brand, but soon finds himself entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation as he tries to bring his idea to fruition. With satire and humor, Syrup explores the cutthroat world of advertising and the quest for success.
After their plane crashes in a remote jungle, a group of office workers must rely on their survival skills to navigate the treacherous environment and fend off dangerous animals. As tensions rise and sanity begins to waver, they must find a way to escape the jungle and make it back to civilization.
After the Ball is a comedy movie about a fashion designer's daughter, Kate, who gets fired from her job and decides to disguise herself as a man to infiltrate her family's company. She must overcome various obstacles, including corporate sabotage and a fashion disaster, to save the company and her family's legacy.
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