Five Corners is a crime drama set in New York City in the 1960s. The story revolves around a woman, Linda, who is being stalked by a jealous boyfriend and a mentally ill man. The plot also explores themes of love, prison, theft, and the city's social and political climate during that time period.
A group of women in a tropical island prison, led by the resilient Blossom, join forces to plan their daring escape. With the help of a mercenary, they navigate through dangerous obstacles, fight against corrupt guards, and overcome internal conflicts. Will they be able to break free from their chains and find freedom?
In Massage Parlor Murders, a serial killer terrorizes a massage parlor, leaving a trail of gruesome murders. As the police launch an investigation, they uncover a web of deceit, secrets, and passion. Can they catch the killer before it's too late?
Savage Three is a movie set in Italy during the 1970s. It follows the story of three friends who embark on a brutal crime spree. Their actions result in deadly consequences as they encounter violence, murder, and police detectives. The plot touches on themes of anarchy, sociopathy, and the consequences of criminal actions.
Free Wheeling is a comedic short film from 1932 that follows the hilarious misadventures of a family as they try to navigate the challenges of owning and operating a car. From a laundry mishap to a run-in with a monkey, this film is filled with humorous moments and unexpected twists. With an overprotective father, a mischievous monkey, and plenty of physical comedy, Free Wheeling is sure to entertain viewers of all ages.
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