Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet (2021) follows the young detective Conan as he takes on a challenging case during the Olympic Games in Japan. With state crimes and mysteries to solve, Conan must use his skills to thwart crime and uncover the truth. Based on the popular manga series, this action-packed movie will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Katyn is a movie based on the true story of the Katyn massacre that took place in Poland during World War II. It portrays the tragic events and the impact it had on the Polish people.
Juan, an agent working for the intelligence services, leads a double life by reporting to a parallel unit engaged in illegal activities. As he navigates his dangerous profession and confronts his own moral dilemmas, Juan becomes entangled in high-stakes conflicts.
In post-Spanish civil war Spain, a neurosurgeon with a mysterious past uncovers family secrets and political repression while treating a young patient.
A chilling five-part docuseries detailing an attack that led to the disappearance of 43 students – and the 10-year fight for answers.
A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from antiquity to the present day.
Il Divo is a biographical drama based on the life of the controversial Italian Prime Minister. The movie explores the intricate world of Italian politics, mafia connections, and the political intrigue surrounding the Prime Minister. Set against the backdrop of the 1970s, the film showcases the corrupt and shady dealings within the government, as well as the abduction and scandalous events that unfolded during the Prime Minister's tenure. With multiple narrators and a grotesque portrayal of the political ally, Il Divo provides a gripping and intriguing narrative.
In Argentina during the 1980s military dictatorship, a high school teacher named Alicia becomes increasingly obsessed with uncovering the truth about her adopted daughter's parents. As she delves deeper, she discovers family secrets and uncovers the dark history of the military junta's crimes against humanity. The Official Story is a powerful and emotional drama that explores themes of identity, truth, and the consequences of living under a repressive regime.
A history of the political and social repression carried out by the ruthless regime of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco between 1936 and 1975 that focuses on the lives of gays and lesbians during those dark years and the death of the Spanish gay poet Federico García Lorca.
North Africa, 1954. The Algerian war of independence begins, a traumatic and extremely violent catastrophe that for eight long years will shake and finally overthrow the foundations of the colonial regime established by France in 1830.
In 1990s East Germany, a photographer becomes a police informant and investigates the murder of a teenage girl. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of police brutality, corruption, and a serial killer on the loose.
Kóblic is a modern-western crime thriller set in 1970s Argentina during the military dictatorship. The story follows a guilt-ridden pilot named Kóblic who becomes a fugitive after refusing to participate in state crimes. As he tries to escape his haunted past, Kóblic finds himself caught in a web of violence and must confront the dark secrets of his country's history.
In 1990s Peru, a police officer uncovers a web of corruption and a terrorist group while investigating a series of state crimes. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he must confront his own troubled relationship with his ex-wife and estranged family.
An exhaustive explanation of how the military occupation of an invaded territory occurs and its consequences, using as a paradigmatic example the recent history of Israel and the Palestinian territories, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, from 1967, when the Six-Day War took place, to the present day; an account by filmmaker Avi Mograbi enriched by the testimonies of Israeli army veterans.
A portrait of Palestinian political leader Yasser Arafat (1929-2004).
Filmmakers for the Prosecution explores the Nuremberg Trials and the aftermath of World War II, focusing on the pursuit of justice for Nazi war criminals. This documentary delves deep into the complexities of international law, the role of documentary filmmaking, and the challenges faced by those seeking accountability for war crimes.
In Cold Case Hammarskjöld, a documentary film released in 2019, investigative journalist Mads Brügger sets out to solve the mystery surrounding the death of United Nations Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld. As he delves deeper into the case, Brügger uncovers a complex web of conspiracy theories, white supremacy, and secret operations involving the mining corporation and army of mercenaries. Through witness interviews, examination of wreckage, and exploration of historical events like the Katanga conflict, Brügger brings to light the shady dealings of powerful forces and the troubling history of African decolonization.
Based on a true story, The Crime of Cuenca is a drama and history movie depicting the events surrounding a brutal murder in a rural village in the 1910s. Fueled by false accusations and intense emotions, the film explores themes of torture, friendship, and the complexities of a court case.
Shadow World is a gripping documentary that delves into the hidden world of global politics and exposes the dangerous web of corruption, state crimes, and arms dealing. Through shocking archive footage and interviews with experts, it reveals the staggering extent of military contractor influence, political corruption, and the devastating consequences of perpetual war.
Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.