A teenage boy, named Donal, develops a deep bond with his greyhound and together they navigate the world of greyhound racing in Ireland. Donal faces various challenges including teaching someone how to drive, dealing with Irish politics, and learning about swim therapy. Along the way, he encounters hidden weapons, sabotaged races, and confrontations. Despite the obstacles, Donal and his greyhound strive to become race winners.
Frankie Reynolds (Frankie Darro' ), youngest member of a family of jockeys, borrows $4.85 (yes, four dollars and eighty-five cents) from his sister Phyllis (Gladys Blake), who is not a jockey, to buy a crippled colt from the stables owned by Clay Harrison (Kane Richmond). He nurses the colt back to health, and in two years has one of the fastest horses in the country.
Based on the book White Circus by Ken Read, this is the story of the Canadian skiing legends that became the first North Americans to crack the Euro dominated World Cup Circuit in 1975
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