Physical is a dark comedy TV show set in 1980s California. It revolves around Sheila, a frustrated housewife who discovers the world of aerobics and starts a business in the fitness industry. As she embarks on her journey, she finds empowerment and forms a new sense of identity. However, she also struggles with her own eating disorder and the pressures of being an entrepreneur. The show explores themes of female empowerment, adultery, and the challenges faced by women during that era.
In Buffalo, New York, Peg Dahl is determined to escape her hometown and make a better life for herself. After getting caught up in a debt and falling into financial trouble, she decides to become a debt collector. As she navigates the world of debt collecting, she faces challenges, schemes, and a romance with a black man. Peg perseveres through it all, believing in herself and discovering her true potential.
Two-part documentary series about the life and legacy of Walt Disney, featuring archival footage only recently released from the Disney vaults, alongside scenes from some of his greatest films.
A massage parlor gets way more business than it can handle when Mick, an excellent and handsome masseur, begins working there. He quickly gets a reputation for being one of the best in the business and suddenly finds himself unable to satisfy his customers' growing demands. He also wants to open his own business. But he is forced to choose between his loyalties and his desires.
Two passionate entrepreneurs sink all their resources into a "haunted" house with the hope of turning it into a profitable horror attraction. The young couple soon realizes that the horrific stories surrounding the house's sinister history are not only true, but deadly.
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