Maggie Simpson embarks on an epic adventure in a galaxy far, far away when she is entrusted with a sacred mission to retrieve her pacifier from the clutches of her nemesis at the Springfield Daycare. This Star Wars parody short film is filled with comedy, sci-fi elements, and hilarious spoofs.
In Meet Monica Velour, a young man becomes infatuated with a former porn star and seeks to establish a relationship with her, despite their age difference and the challenges they face.
In this hilarious and action-packed sci-fi comedy spoof, a group of rebels led by Fluke Starbucker and Augie 'Ben' Doggie team up to stop the evil Darph Nader and the sinister empire from destroying the galaxy. Along the way, they encounter outrageous characters and engage in epic dogfights with spaceships made out of junk. With clever parodies of Star Wars and a non-stop barrage of gags, Hardware Wars is a must-watch for fans of sci-fi comedy.
In this short Star Wars parody, all the Star Wars charactess have become food items and takes place in a grocery store.
The cast and crew of Spaceballs looks back at the making of the movie.
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