Sword of the Stranger is set in Japan during the Sengoku period. The story follows a nameless wandering samurai, known only as 'Nanashi' (meaning 'nameless'), who is constantly on the run and haunted by his past. When he is offered a job to escort a young boy named Kotaro, who is being pursued by the Ming Dynasty's forces, Nanashi reluctantly accepts. As they journey together, they encounter bandits, assassins, and other dangers, forming an unlikely bond along the way.
Daytime Shooting Star is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of a high school girl, Suzume, who moves from the countryside to Tokyo. There, she finds herself falling in love with her handsome teacher, Shishio. As Suzume navigates the complexities of love, friendship, and adolescence, she discovers the importance of following her heart and embracing the uncertainties of life. With captivating performances and beautiful cinematography, Daytime Shooting Star is a must-watch for fans of romantic films.
Osaka Elegy is a 1936 movie set in Osaka, Japan, during a time of economic hardship. It follows the story of a young woman named Ayako who is trapped in a difficult situation due to her family's financial troubles. Ayako desperately needs money and is forced to make difficult choices. The movie explores themes of poverty, seduction, and the sacrifices individuals are willing to make in order to survive.
Mo' Better Blues is a captivating comedy-drama film set in 1990s New York City. It follows the story of a talented saxophonist and his struggles to balance his love for jazz music, his complex relationships, and his pursuit of success. The film explores themes of friendship, love, rivalry, and the challenges faced by African-American musicians in the industry. With stunning performances and an engaging storyline, Mo' Better Blues is an entertaining watch for music and movie enthusiasts alike.
Forget Me Not is a dramatic and romantic movie set in a Japanese high school. The story follows a young girl who suffers from memory loss and struggles to remember her past and the people in her life. As she uncovers the truth about her condition, she also finds herself falling in love and navigating the challenges of teenage life.
Ayane is the daughter of a karaage (fried food) store owner, but she never liked karaage. Eventually, she left home, only to return 5 years later. Her family lives in the city of Usa in Oita Prefecture, Japan. She brings with her a young girl named Shirley, who is her step-daughter from her ex-husband.
Freelance writer Aoi Teshigahara lives in Paris, France. Sen Yagami is a photographer who came to Paris, France due to his younger sister Suzume's insistance. Over the next 3 days, Aoi Teshigahara and Sen Yagami fall in love. Meanwhile, Suzume meets her boyfriend Kango, whom they have been in a long distance relationship.
Sara, a former hacker and now an Internet security specialist, has come to Belgrade to attend a conference on cyber crime. Whilst she is there her daughter and a college friend are kidnapped by a Serbian human trafficking ring. Will Sara be able to save them before it's too late?
Young Hyacinth is a comedy movie that follows the story of a maid who aspires for better social standing. She faces various embarrassing situations while working in the countryside. The movie explores her relationships with her family and the challenges she faces due to her job as a maid. It also highlights her interactions with different characters and her desire for a better life.
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