Warm Springs is a biographical drama movie that tells the story of Franklin D. Roosevelt's battle with polio and his journey towards recovery. The movie explores his time at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he sought treatment and found hope for the future. With the support of his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the dedication of his physical therapist, Roosevelt learns to overcome his physical limitations and finds the strength to become a great leader.
Between working full-time, raising a young son, and trying to maintain a relationship with her detached husband, James, Lauren Bell desperately needs some help in watching her newborn, Riley. Thinking she's found the perfect solution, she hires her neighbor, Owen, to be their nanny. Owen is exactly what the Bells need and Lauren couldn't be happier. It isn't long, though, until Owen crosses the boundaries between hired help and man of the house.
Documentary that explored the science and the story of five individuals in the Ulas family in Turkey that walk with a previously unreported quadruped gait.
In the attic of an ancestral home, a devil worshiping sadist, Jezebeth Blandy, at war with God, unwittingly discovers a nineteenth century diary that details the summoning of a demon.
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