A deaf boy named Frankie lives with his single mother, Lizzie, in a small seaside town in Scotland. Lizzie invents letters from Frankie's father, whom he believes is a sailor. When a new stranger arrives in town and starts working at the local fish-and-chip shop, Frankie suspects that he may be his father and forms a bond with him. However, the truth about his father is eventually revealed, leading to a hopeful ending.
In the summer of 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt invites the King and Queen of England for a weekend at his summer home in Hyde Park on Hudson. This is based on the true story of their affair and the political implications it had.
The near-sighted Mr. Magoo, on his way to make a bank deposit, boards a race-track bound bus instead. Mistaking the betting windows for tellerwindows, he keeps making and winning bets on long shots. The track finally tosses him out with his bag of winnings, which Magoo thinks was the result of compound interest growth.
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