The Hustler follows the story of a talented pool hustler named Eddie Felson, who is driven by his ambition to become the best in the game. Along the way, he faces personal and professional challenges, including a tragic event that leads him to question his own ideals. With his mentor and manager by his side, Eddie embarks on a journey of redemption and self-discovery.
In a dystopian future, a deadly disease has infected the world, and a sexy superheroine named Ultraviolet (played by Milla Jovovich) fights to find a cure. She must navigate through dangerous encounters with a totalitarian dictatorship, powerful enemies, and her own light sensitivity. With her superhuman strength and stamina, Ultraviolet becomes a one-woman army determined to save humanity.
Salesman is a 1969 documentary film that follows four door-to-door Bible salesmen as they travel through various neighborhoods and attempt to sell books. The film provides a behind-the-scenes look at their lives on the road and explores themes of disillusionment, optimism, and failure.
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