In a post-apocalyptic Earth, humanity is divided into two society classes: the immortal Eternals who live in a secluded community and the Brutals who live in the wasteland. A Brutal named Zed discovers the hidden community, where he becomes a pawn in a plot to overthrow the ruling class.
Margot is a freelance writer who begins to question her marriage when she meets a handsome artist who lives across the street. As she navigates the complexities of temptation, she must confront her own desires and the consequences of her actions.
Still Life is a 1974 movie that delves into the life of an Iranian man, who is engulfed in alienation and stagnation. The film provides a tranquil portrait of the protagonist's experiences, as he seeks peace and tranquility amidst a changing world.
It's Winter is a poetic drama set in Iran, depicting the struggles and hardships faced by individuals during the harsh winter. The story revolves around themes of poverty, unemployment, migration, and the impact of societal issues on the lives of ordinary people.
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