When Earth is on the verge of an alien invasion, five teenagers, who are infused with superhuman abilities, must harness their newfound powers to battle this threat - as the Power Rangers. In Cenozoic-era, six interplanetary warriors, the Power Rangers, are tasked with protecting life on Earth and the Zeo Crystal...
Goku is a detective who has an "eye of god", a mysterious group gave him this artificial eye that enables him to control any computer.
Ten years ago, the forces of the Erebonian Empire invaded the Kingdom of Liberl, nearly reaching the heart of the Capital City before Cassius Bright led a determined counteroffensive that drove them out. Liberl has managed to rebuild by using the special mix of magic and technology that the Erbonians covet. As they prepare to join the Bracers, whose use of "craft" is vital to the nation's defense, Cassius' daughter Estelle and her adopted brother Joshua learn all too well that the threat of another invasion is ever present. When Cassius' airship suddenly goes missing, the younger members of the Bright family find themselves at a pivotal point in history, deciding to launch a rescue mission by themselves!
Black Samson is a 1974 blaxploitation film about a tough nightclub owner who becomes a one-man army against the local drug dealers and gangsters. With his afro and staff-fighting skills, he takes on a series of violent showdowns, using his fists and wooden staff to disarm his enemies. The film is filled with action, drama, and intense fight scenes that showcase the gritty world of the 1970s blaxploitation cinema.
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