Love and Death (1975) is a comedic movie set during the French occupation of Russia in the 1810s. It follows the story of an anti-hero who embarks on various picaresque adventures while attempting to assassinate Napoleon Bonaparte. The film showcases elements of postmodernism, parody, and anarchic comedy, with themes of unrequited love, extramarital affairs, and the complexities of marriage. Through slapstick comedy and philosophical musings, it explores the absurdity and randomness of life and death.
In 2006 Iran, a group of teenage girls disguised themselves as boys to attend a soccer match. However, they are caught and taken to a holding cell at the stadium. The film explores their experiences and the challenges they face within a male-dominated society.
Betty encounters The Little King when, bored by the opera, he sneaks out to join in with her rodeo routine.
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