Toy Story is a heartwarming story about a group of toys who come to life when humans are not around. When a new toy named Buzz Lightyear joins the group, Woody, the cowboy toy, feels threatened and the two toys embark on a rivalry. However, they soon realize that they need to work together to rescue their owner, Andy, who has accidentally left them at a neighbor's house. With the help of their friends, the toys navigate through various obstacles and learn the true meaning of friendship.
When Woody is stolen by a toy collector, Buzz and his friends set out to rescue him before he becomes a museum toy property. Along the way, Woody discovers that he was once the star of a popular children's show called Woody's Round-Up. As they face various obstacles, Woody and his friends must decide what truly matters to them.
Wrong is a surreal comedy about a man named Dolph who experiences a series of strange events. After his beloved dog Paul goes missing, Dolph finds himself on a bizarre journey filled with absurdity and surreal encounters. Along the way, he encounters a quirky cast of characters and navigates through a world where nothing is as it seems. With its offbeat humor and unusual storyline, Wrong is an unconventional and unpredictable film that will leave audiences both amused and perplexed.
British rock star with a love-'em-and-leave-'em reputation. The tables are turned when four cute young girls kidnap the singer. After several days of sex and degradation, the poor fellow is rescued by his friends.
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