Shinichi Izumi is a normal high school student until his right hand is taken over by a parasitic alien. Shinichi and the alien, named Migi, form an unlikely partnership as they fight against other parasites that consume humans. Together, they must protect humanity and uncover the truth behind the invasion.
In Victorian England, a group of women known as 'The Nevers' suddenly manifest supernatural powers. They must navigate a society that fears and exploits them while facing threats and mysteries that arise from their newfound abilities.
Juan "Johnny" Rico, a high school student living in Buenos Aires, joins the Federation military in the hope of following his love, Carmen, into space. He has to undergo harsh training to become a soldier, harsher than he expected, but despite several setbacks and traumatic experiences, Johnny perseveres and finishes his training. However, a war is brewing on the outer planets with a strange alien enemy and Johnny is thrust into the conflict.
In a toxic and war-torn future, Princess Nausicaä strives to prevent the destruction of her dying planet and the warring nations. She must navigate a dangerous jungle filled with oversized insects and mediate between the conflicting factions. As a warrior and pacifist, Nausicaä fights to find a peaceful solution and save her people and the environment from devastation.
In a world where an alien organism infects humans and takes over their bodies, a psychiatrist and a determined mother must find a way to protect their son from being assimilated. As the infection spreads, they uncover a conspiracy that reveals the true nature of the invasion and the stakes for humanity.
After a rocket crash in London, an alien organism takes control of an astronaut, causing mutations and chaos in the city. Scotland Yard and Professor Bernard Quatermass must find a way to stop the extraterrestrial menace before it is too late. This low-budget sci-fi film is a thrilling exploration of alien lifeforms and the consequences of space travel.
When Cobra unleashes a deadly spore, Duke falls into a coma and the G.I. Joe team must race against time to find the cure and stop Cobra's plan.
In Earthling, a group of aliens invades Earth and takes over humans' bodies. Amidst the chaos, a lesbian couple must fight to survive and find a way to protect their love.
In the movie 'The Dustwalker,' an alien infection begins spreading through the Australian outback, causing a deadly epidemic. The infected turn into zombies, and the survivors must fight for their lives. The infection is believed to be caused by a UFO crash, which released alien spores. The movie also explores themes of loss and grief, with a particular focus on the death of a child. The survivors must navigate the dangers of the infected and find a way to stop the spread of the infection before it's too late.
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