In a small town where dancing and music are prohibited, a rebellious teenager named Ren McCormack moves from Chicago and challenges the authority by organizing a prom. Along the way, he falls in love, faces opposition from the local religious leader, and learns the power of self-expression through dance.
Selma, an Eastern European immigrant living in Washington state in the 1960s, is going blind and faces the threat of losing her job at a local factory. She forms a friendship with Cathy, but their relationship becomes strained as Selma's blindness worsens. When Selma reveals a secret to the local sheriff, her life takes a downward spiral. However, Selma remains determined to protect her friend's secret. In the end, Cathy realizes the value of Selma's decisions and they reaffirm their friendship.
Private detective helps a department store owner who is being threatened by a hostile takeover. Along the way, he gets involved in slapstick comedy, a symphony orchestra, and a wild chase.
During a pajama party, a group of teenagers find themselves caught up in a Martian invasion. With the help of a friendly alien, they must try to stop the invaders and save the world.
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