Noragami is a supernatural action-comedy TV show about a high-school girl named Hiyori who teams up with a homeless god named Yato in order to help him gain a reputation and fulfill his dream of building his own shrine. Together, they battle against various supernatural creatures and help lost spirits find their way to the afterlife.
A pregnant wife becomes concerned about her husband's sleepwalking habits, which escalate to grotesque behavior. They seek help from a sleep clinic and a shaman.
In this horror movie, a female homicide detective investigates the unsolved murder of a man in Sinchanee in 1995. As she delves into the case, she uncovers a web of secrets and paranormal phenomena linked to the Native American culture of the area. With Christmas decorations, snowing, and a haunted house, she must solve the mystery before it's too late.
When a group of people find themselves stranded on a haunted island, they must unravel the mystery of the spirits of the dead and fight for their lives against killer insects and other supernatural forces. As they try to escape, they discover a mass grave and uncover the dark secrets of the land developer and a revenge plot from beyond the grave.
Before finally entering the afterlife, the dead spend a period in a limbo from which they depart only when, among the living, there is no one who remembers them. Under the care of the salacious Domenico the visitors of a small cemetery recount how they arrived at eternal peace.
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