In Spirit Untamed, a young girl named Lucky forms a bond with a wild horse named Spirit. Together, they navigate the challenges of small-town life and embark on an adventure filled with friendship and self-discovery. As Lucky learns to trust Spirit, she also learns valuable lessons about family, love, and the power of resilience.
Spirit: Riding Free is an animated TV show that follows the story of a young girl who forms a deep connection with a wild horse named Spirit. Together, they go on exciting adventures in the Wild West, facing various challenges and forming lasting friendships along the way.
Find the fun and adventure of "Spirit Riding Free" in this mix of music videos and short episodes featuring Lucky and all of her friends!
In a small Western town a young girl from the city forms a tight bond with wild horse Spirit while having adventures with her friends.
Lucky, a gutsy 12-year-old girl, befriends a wild mustang she names Spirit. With her two best friends Abigail and Pru and their horses by her side, they explore a world filled with endless adventure, magnificent horses and never ending fun!
Join Lucky and her friends on an interactive mission to save Maricela’s beloved mare from greedy horse thieves who've taken her captive with a wild herd.
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