Dinosaur Train is an animated TV show that follows Buddy and his friends as they travel through time and space on the Dinosaur Train. Together, they discover different species of dinosaurs, learn about their unique traits, and explore the wonders of the prehistoric world. With the help of their train conductor, Mr. Conductor, the young dinosaurs navigate through various challenges and learn valuable lessons about friendship, family, and the importance of diversity.
Five years after the events of Jurassic World Dominion, covert operations expert Zora Bennett is contracted to lead a skilled team on a top-secret mission to secure genetic material from the world's three most massive dinosaurs. When Zora's operation intersects with a civilian family whose boating expedition was capsized, they all find themselves stranded on an island where they come face-to-face with a sinister, shocking discovery that's been hidden from the world for decades.
Dinosaur King follows the adventures of Max, Rex, and Zoe as they discover dinosaur cards that enable them to bring dinosaurs to life. They travel through time and explore different locations, battling with other dinosaur enthusiasts and saving dinosaurs from evil forces.
Planet Dinosaur is a TV mini-series that takes viewers back in time to explore the fascinating world of dinosaurs. From deadly predators like the Carcharodontosaurus to pack-hunting Daspletosaurs and the iconic Spinosaurus, this documentary-style show brings the prehistoric times to life with stunning visual effects and expert insights from paleontologist John Hurt. With its focus on the Mesozoic era and the amazing creatures that roamed the Earth millions of years ago, Planet Dinosaur captivates audiences with its blend of adventure, action, and education.
When the Great Valley experiences a drought, Littlefoot and his friends embark on a journey to find water and save their home. Along the way, they encounter danger, make new friends, and learn valuable lessons about loyalty and bravery.
In 'The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers', a group of young dinosaurs must embark on an adventure to save their home, facing challenges and learning important lessons along the way.
They shouldn’t be there. They shouldn’t have come. Now they have to survive. When a group of three friends head to a deserted island, little do they know that they are about to stumble on something very big, and very dangerous.
Adapted from the multi-award winning BBC1 series, Planet Dinosaur 3D recreates the lost world of the dinosaurs in a groundbreaking stereoscopic production. This is one of the most ambitious animated programmes ever attempted for broadcast TV, recreating every detail of these extraordinary animals in an entirely digital production that stretches the boundaries of broadcast 3D with a scale and ambition normally reserved for Hollywood feature films. Planet Dinosaur 3D is a thrilling and immersive journey into a lost world. Pulling together cutting edge research from around the world this programme uses the latest, stunning fossil evidence to chart the rise and fall of the 'Ultimate Killers'; from the iconic Spinosaurus, the largest predator ever to walk the Earth, to Microraptor and the feathered, flying dinosaurs from China. At last, thanks to the advances in technology, and for the first time ever, these monsters can be experienced in all their full, magnificent wonder.
Jurassic Park III follows a group of people who find themselves stranded on Isla Sorna, an island filled with genetically-engineered dinosaurs. As they try to find a way off the island, they must avoid being hunted by the deadly creatures.
The story is about the Mesozoic Era, and the creatures that lived in that time, which include the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The story follows the lives of the dinosaurs and other Mesozoic creatures, how they ate, battle and engage in other activities. The film has a volcano erupting, killing animals including a Tyrannosaurus. The film then moves to present time earth, postulating what may happen should dinosaurs were still alive; by showing a monstrous , fire-breathing Spinosaurus on the attack; and how it would be destroyed by an a grenade.
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