MoviesTV ShowsThemes

Movies and TvShows featuring "sperm" theme.

Ted 2

Ted 2(2015)


Newlywed couple Ted and Tami-Lynn are struggling financially and decide to have a baby. However, Ted must first prove that he is a person in a court of law. With the help of his friend John and a young lawyer named Samantha, they navigate the legal system and fight for Ted's recognition as a person. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles, including a powerful toy company executive who wants to exploit Ted. Through their determination and friendship, they ultimately succeed in their quest, and Ted and Tami-Lynn adopt a child named Apollo Creed Clubberlang.

In the Realm of the Senses

In the Realm of the Senses(1976)


In the Realm of the Senses is a highly controversial and explicit film that tells the story of a passionate and destructive love affair between a former prostitute and a wealthy man. Set in 1930s Japan, the film explores themes of jealousy, obsession, and sexual desire, as the couple engages in extreme sexual acts and becomes increasingly consumed by their intense relationship. Based on a true story, the film pushes boundaries and challenges societal norms, making it a provocative and thought-provoking watch.

Four Rooms

Four Rooms(1995)


Four Rooms tells the story of four interlocking tales that take place in a fading hotel on New Year's Eve. The first tale involves a group of witches performing a ritual to reverse a spell. The second tale follows a bellhop who gets caught in a dangerous situation with a jealous husband. The third tale centers around a family leaving their misbehaving children alone in a hotel room. The fourth tale features an encounter with a group of Hollywood actors, leading to a bet and a gruesome outcome.

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The Other Boleyn Girl

The Other Boleyn Girl(2008)


When Catherine of Aragon fails to produce a male heir to the English throne, the Duke of Norfolk and his brother-in-law Thomas Boleyn scheme to install the latter's elder daughter Anne in the court of Henry VIII as the king's mistress and potential mother of his son, furthering their own political ambitions. Their plan backfires when Henry, injured in a hunting accident indirectly precipitated by Anne, is nursed by her sister Mary and becomes smitten with her. With great reluctance, the recently married Mary and her husband William Carey agree to accept positions in the court, knowing full well what will be expected of her. Separated from her spouse, who is sent away on an assignment by the king, Mary finds herself falling in love with Henry. Rebellious Anne secretly marries betrothed nobleman Henry Percy and confides in her brother George, who tells Mary about the elopement. Concerned that Anne will ruin her reputation by marrying a nobleman without the King's consent, she alerts her father and uncle of the union. They confront Anne, who argues that the marriage has been consummated and what is done before God cannot be undone, and she is exiled to France in disgrace. The Boleyn family's fortunes seem to be secured when Mary becomes pregnant. When she nearly suffers a miscarriage, she is confined to bed for the remainder of her pregnancy, and Norfolk recalls Anne to England to keep Henry's attention from wandering to another rival, particularly Jane Seymour. Anne successfully embarks on a campaign to seduce Henry, revealing herself to be more sophisticated and accomplished than she was prior to her exile. By withholding her sexual favors, she ensures the king's continued interest, finally making him promise never to bed his wife or speak to her sister in exchange for her giving him hope of eventually possessing her. Anne exacts this promise just after Mary gives birth to the much-anticipated son, making Mary's triumph hollow. The ambitious Anne encourages Henry to break from the Roman Catholic Church when Pope Clement VII refuses to annul his marriage to Catherine. Henry succumbs to Anne's demands, declares himself the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, and divorces his wife. The scandal of Anne's brief, secret marriage to Henry Percy threatens her forthcoming marriage to the king until Mary, out of loyalty to her family, returns to court and lies on Anne's behalf, assuring Henry her union with Percy never was consummated. Anne weds Henry and becomes Queen of England. The sisters reach a reconciliation and Mary stays by Anne's side at court. Despite the birth of a healthy daughter, Elizabeth, Henry is unhappy with Anne's failure to deliver a son and legitimate male heir to the throne. After she miscarries their second child, a now desperate Anne asks her brother George to try to impregnate her. Although he ultimately refuses to grant her request, his neglected wife Jane witnesses enough of their encounter to become suspicious. Her testimony leads to the arrest, trial, and execution of both George and Anne. Mary returns to court to plead for her sister's life, but Henry refuses to intercede. He warns Mary never to come to court again, because her family's disgrace could result in danger to her as well. Mary fulfills her last promise to Anne and takes care of her infant daughter. The closing captions reveal that perhaps the king should not have been concerned about his failure to produce a legitimate male heir because, ironically, his daughter Elizabeth served her country well for forty-five years.

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Love is a bold and explicit film that delves into the complexities of modern relationships, exploring themes of desire, temptation, and the blurred lines between love and lust. Set in Paris, the story follows Murphy, a young American filmmaker, as he navigates a tumultuous love triangle with two very different women. As the boundaries of their relationships are pushed and tested, Love challenges viewers to question the nature of love and the choices we make in the pursuit of happiness.




Yes is a drama/romance movie that follows the story of an Irish-American scientist and a Lebanese Muslim woman who face cultural and personal challenges in their relationship. Set in modern-day New York City, the film explores themes of loss, love, and identity in a diverse and multicultural society.

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Tv Show

Men? (2020)


Four great friends, in their thirties, are always talking about women, drinking and boasting about their achievements. But for the first time in their lives, they must face a problem for which they can not find a solution: one of them is a mess. Nothing works: neither the doctor, nor the Viagra, nor the therapy. Now he needs the help of his best friends to try to live with this new condition in his life. "Men" is like a male version of Sex and the City where the beautiful clothes and the dream of marrying a prince are set aside. What do men want? What can men do? What is happening to men in the era of toxic masculinity? This is a comedy drama trying to find, if not the answers, at least the way.

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Little Deaths

Little Deaths(2011)


Little Deaths is a horror anthology consisting of three short stories, each centered around the themes of sex, death, and desire. The stories delve into the dark and twisted aspects of human nature, exploring sadistic sex, rape, prostitution, voyeurism, and more. Through vignettes of intense and unsettling moments, the movie aims to provoke and disturb its audience.

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She Hate Me

She Hate Me(2004)


Discover a collection of movies and TV shows that explore the theme of "sperm". From comedies to dramas, these titles offer unique perspectives and intriguing storylines centered around this topic.

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