Quo Vadis is a historical drama film based on the novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The story follows a Roman general, Marcus Vinicius, who falls in love with a Christian woman, Lygia, during the reign of Emperor Nero. As Rome is engulfed in flames, Vinicius must navigate the political manipulations and moral dilemmas of the time. The film explores themes of love, courage, and religious persecution.
In a small French town, two bounty hunters are hired to find a stolen cell phone that contains a dangerous video. As they search, they encounter various eccentric characters and navigate through dark and humorous situations.
From his locksmith's shop, a simple guy dreams of becoming a crime boss, at the wheel of his Cadillac surrounded by blonde bimbos. He starts small, assassinating petty criminals. Gaining renown in the newspapers as "Le Furet" (The Ferret), he soon sets his sights higher. The police and organized crime both take up the chase.
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