Delusions of Grandeur is a hilarious comedy adventure set in 17th century Spain. The plot revolves around a valet named Blaze who disguises himself as the Queen of Spain in order to seek revenge on the King. Along the way, he gets involved in interclass romance, conspiracy, and assassination attempts. With its mix of humor, romance, and adventure, Delusions of Grandeur is a delightful film.
Alfonso de Borbón and his cousin María de las Mercedes de Orleans fall in love and, although both families do not maintain good relationships, young people marry when Alfonso became king of Spain.
The story of the Countess d'Orsini, French noblewoman and courtesan at the court of the Spanish king, who acted as an agent for the King of France and was one of the most powerful people at the Spanish court.
An abridged story of the triumphs and trials of Christopher Columbus, told in eight scenes.
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