Carnival in Flanders is a satire-comedy film that takes place during the Eighty Years' War in Flanders. The story revolves around a mayor who tries to protect his town from an invasion by a Spanish army. With the help of a mercenary, the mayor devises a plan to outsmart the invaders. The film is filled with humor, romance, and social satire.
One of the most important and exciting historical research of all time, the study of the DNA of the navigator Christopher Columbus, finally answers two fundamental questions: where do his bones rest? What is his true origin?
Spain: The First Globalization is a documentary that delves into the historic journey of Juan Sebastian Elcano, the first person to sail around the world. It examines the impact of Spain's expeditions and explores themes of travel, exchange, exploration, and the global economy. The film also touches upon historical events such as the Spanish Inquisition, slavery, mixed-race marriages, and the cultural preservation of the Spanish empire.
Flanders, Hispanic Monarchy, 1616. The inhabitants of the small town of Boom are busy organizing the annual local festivities when the arrival of the Duke of Olivares, who rules the country on behalf of the King Philip III of Spain, is announced. While the male citizens cowardly surrender to panic, the brave female citizens decide to become the best hosts the Spaniards can ever meet. (German version of the French film La Kermesse héroïque, 1935.)
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